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Press Release


{ 7/11/2024 3:38:13 PM }

The Report was prepared in line with the legislation of LUKOIL's countries of operation, as well as international and national non-financial reporting standards, including new Sustainability Reporting Guidelines by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

The Report is built around a core idea: "People drive our sustainability".​

The document sums up the results of the steps taken by LUKOIL Group over the last five years to decrease negative and increase positive effects. They are fully in line with the goals set by the LUKOIL Group Sustainability Policy​ and serve as a confirmation of the Company's contribution to the national projects of Russia and to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The Company refined its approaches to the disclosure of the information related to decarbonization and climate change adaptation. For the first time, the Report includes data on the actions taken by LUKOIL Group in the federal districts, considering local climate characteristics and putting a premium on the social aspect. The Report also features a new section about innovative decarbonization technologies and a wider spectrum of information on the diversification of the Company's product range.

The Report is available on LUKOIL website​ in Russian and English.

  • Press release in PDF

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