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Tenders of LUKOIL group

By using the filter on this page you will be able to see the list of tenders of LUKOIL Group companies, Company's affiliates and other organizations. The requirements for the particular tenderare available in the attached documents and on the Organizer's web-site.

Please note that this list is for users' information only, PJSC LUKOIL shall not be liable for the tenders, arranged by other organizations.

Information on LUKOIL Group overseas upstream and downstream organizations' tenders is available at

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Меđunаrоdni žеlеznički trаnspоrt nаftnih dеrivаtа u vаgоnimа prеvоznikа zа pоtrеbе Društvа

№: T6

Customer(s): Public Limited Company for trade of oil derivates LUKOIL SERBIA Belgrade

Organizer of tender: Public Limited Company for trade of oil derivates LUKOIL SERBIA Belgrade


Доставка на система от адсорбенти и инертен материал за очистване на пропилен 99,8% от микропримеси / Supply of a system of adsorbents and inert material for treatment of propene 99.8 % from micro impurities

№: 194793

Customer(s): "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Organizer of tender: "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Deadline: 3/25/2022 12:00:00 AM

Доставка на 42 тона Триетилалуминий (ТЕА)/Supply of 42 tons Triethylaluminum(TEAL)

№: 194493

Customer(s): "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Organizer of tender: "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Deadline: 3/23/2022 12:00:00 AM

Доставка на 20 тона ±10% калциев стеарат - кисeлинен неутрализатор за полипропилен, инсталация "Гранулация на полипропилен" в комплекс "Полипропилен"/ Supply of 20,00 tons +/- 10% of Calcium stearate - acid neutralizer for polypropylene

№: 194491

Customer(s): "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Organizer of tender: "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Deadline: 3/22/2022 12:00:00 AM

Поставка оборудования для отпуска Adblue на АЗС «LUKOIL-Moldova» SRL

№: T09-2022

Customer(s): Interprinderea cu Capital Strain societatea cu raspundere limitata "LUKOIL-Moldova"

Organizer of tender: Interprinderea cu Capital Strain societatea cu raspundere limitata "LUKOIL-Moldova"

Deadline: 3/21/2022 12:00:00 AM

Доставка на 400 тона ±10% смазваща присадка за легиране на дизелово гориво / Supply of 400,00 tonnes ± 10 % of diesel fuel lubricating additive

№: 195182

Customer(s): "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Organizer of tender: "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Deadline: 3/21/2022 12:00:00 AM

Покана за прибирање на понуди за средства за дезинфекција

№: 1703/9-1/2022

Customer(s): LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Organizer of tender: LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Deadline: 3/21/2022 12:00:00 AM

Executare lucrari de finalizare pardoseala fundatie hala pentru depozitarea produselor finite in cadrul companiei LUKOIL LUBRICANTS EAST EUROPE SRL.

№: TEND-LLEE-05-2022



Deadline: 3/21/2022 12:00:00 AM

Покана за прибирање на понуди за собирање транспорт и отстранување на опасен отпад

№: 1703/11-1/2022

Customer(s): LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Organizer of tender: LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Deadline: 3/18/2022 12:00:00 AM

Выполнение научно-исследовательскую работу по «Разработке норм расхода газа и газового конденсата на собственные нужды и потери (СНиП) на участках Хаузак-Шады, Северное Шады, месторождениях Кувачи-Алат, Кандым и Гиссарской группы (Адамташ, Гумбулак, Джаркудук-Янги Кизилча) при их добыче, сборе, подготовке, переработке, компримировании и транспортировке на 2023 – 2025 гг.»

№: 1304 от 03.03.2022

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 3/18/2022 12:00:00 AM