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Tenders of LUKOIL group

By using the filter on this page you will be able to see the list of tenders of LUKOIL Group companies, Company's affiliates and other organizations. The requirements for the particular tenderare available in the attached documents and on the Organizer's web-site.

Please note that this list is for users' information only, PJSC LUKOIL shall not be liable for the tenders, arranged by other organizations.

Information on LUKOIL Group overseas upstream and downstream organizations' tenders is available at

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КТ Поставка ЗИП для спецтехники

№: LUO/38/07-24/1320

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 8/12/2024 12:00:00 AM

КО ЗИП для ИБП / Spare parts for UPS

№: 2500003417

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 8/12/2024 12:00:00 AM

МИ на выполнение работ по оформлению и согласованию Разрешения на специальное водопользование или водопотребление для объектов Административного здания «ЛУКОЙЛ» в г. Ташкент.

№: 02-01-32-4508

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 8/8/2024 12:00:00 AM

КО на оказание услуг Колл-центра 24/7 и Внепланового технического облуживания (ремонта) в отношении двух ЧРП Schneider Electric ATV1200 УКПГ «Джаркудук» в 2024-2025 гг.

№: 02-01-32-4506

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 8/7/2024 12:00:00 AM

International and domestic transport of oil for the needs of LUKOIL Macedonia DOOEL Skopje

№: 71.TK.TND.MCD.2024

Customer(s): LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Organizer of tender: LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Deadline: 8/7/2024 12:00:00 AM

Поставка чековой ленты для АЗС ИООО «ЛУКОЙЛ Белоруссия» на 2024/2025 гг

Deadline: 8/6/2024 12:00:00 AM


№: 78.TK.TND.SPLC.2024

Customer(s): Public Limited Company for trade of oil derivates LUKOIL SERBIA Belgrade

Organizer of tender: Public Limited Company for trade of oil derivates LUKOIL SERBIA Belgrade

Deadline: 8/5/2024 12:00:00 AM

Provision of Horizontal/Deviated Wells Engineering and Support Services

№: 436.TK.TND.LUM.2024

Customer(s): LUKOIL UPSTREAM MEXICO, Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada de Capital Variable

Organizer of tender: LUKOIL International Procurement

Deadline: 8/5/2024 12:00:00 AM

МИ на выполнение услуг по изготовлению памятных сувениров с логотипом Заказчика

№: 02-01-32-4545

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM

КO на оказание услуг по информационному и PR сопровождению деятельности ООО «ЛУКОЙЛ Узбекистан Оперейтинг Компани» в средствах массовой информации Узбекистана

№: 4312

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM