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Tenders of LUKOIL group

By using the filter on this page you will be able to see the list of tenders of LUKOIL Group companies, Company's affiliates and other organizations. The requirements for the particular tenderare available in the attached documents and on the Organizer's web-site.

Please note that this list is for users' information only, PJSC LUKOIL shall not be liable for the tenders, arranged by other organizations.

Information on LUKOIL Group overseas upstream and downstream organizations' tenders is available at

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УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ О ПРОДЛЕНИИ СРОКА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ СБОРА ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ (ОФЕРТ) о заключении договоров уступки прав требования (цессии) дебиторской задолженности ООО "Астраханские тепловые сети" (АТС-1)

№: АТС1

Customer(s): "Астраханские тепловые сети" , OOO "LUKOJL-Power system control center"

Organizer of tender: OOO "LUKOJL-Power system control center"

Deadline: 3/28/2025 12:00:00 AM

Tender № LOIE/101/2025 for Housekeeping and Maintenance Services for Temporary Checkpoint Facilities for Block 10 Project, the Republic of Iraq

№: LOIE/101/2025

Customer(s): LUKOIL Overseas Iraq Exploration B.V.

Organizer of tender: LUKOIL Overseas Iraq Exploration B.V.

Deadline: 3/26/2025 12:00:00 AM

Тендер за ангажирање на сезонски работници преку агенција за привремени вработувања за потребите на бензинските станици на „ЛУКОИЛ Македонија“

№: 1702/8-1/2025

Customer(s): LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Organizer of tender: LUKOIL MACEDONIA LTD Skopje

Documents: Objava

Deadline: 3/25/2025 12:00:00 AM

Compliance Services 2025-2026

№: 19-25


Organizer of tender: LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLC

Deadline: 3/24/2025 12:00:00 AM

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Closure at LNA Site # 57291, Woodbury NJ

№: 18-25


Organizer of tender: LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLC

Deadline: 3/24/2025 12:00:00 AM

“Achiziționarea de echipament individual de protecție și de lucru pentru angajații LUKOIL România S.R.L. și pentru angajații Partenerilor Lukoil”/“Закупка средств индивидуальной защиты и рабочей униформы для работников LUKOIL România S.R.L. и работников Партнеров Lukoil”

Оказание транспортных услуг по перевозке продукции автомобильным транспортом с завода ТОО «ЛУКОЙЛ Лубрикантс Центральная Азия» по территории Республики Казахстан и в страны Центральной и Восточной Азии.

№: Т245

Customer(s): LUKOIL Lubricants Central Asia Limited Liability Partnership

Organizer of tender: LUKOIL Lubricants Central Asia Limited Liability Partnership

Deadline: 3/20/2025 12:00:00 AM

Поставка насосов ЭЦВ в количестве 70 шт. (согласно ОЛ) для ООО "ЛУКОЙЛ-ПЕРМЬ"

№: ГД-1-285-24

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL-PERM"

Organizer of tender: Public Joint Stock Company "Oil company "LUKOIL"

Deadline: 3/19/2025 12:00:00 AM

Выполнение лабораторных и гидродинамических исследований скважин ООО "УралОйл" в 2025-2028 годах.

№: 7323

Customer(s): "УралОйл"

Organizer of tender: Public Joint Stock Company "Oil company "LUKOIL"

Deadline: 3/19/2025 12:00:00 AM

Оказание услуг по анализу проб нефти и воды, скважинной продукции и других веществ, предоставляемых ООО "ЛУКОЙЛ-ПЕРМЬ" (Пермский регион) в 2025-2028 годах

№: 7324

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL-PERM"

Organizer of tender: Public Joint Stock Company "Oil company "LUKOIL"

Deadline: 3/19/2025 12:00:00 AM