LUKOIL Group processes gas and natural gas liquids at two gas processing plants (GPPs) in West Siberia and the Timan-Pechora region, as well as at its Perm and Volgograd Refineries and the Stavrolen petrochemical complex in the Stavropol Territory. The
Group’s gas processing plants process the associated petroleum gas produced by
LUKOIL into liquid hydrocarbons and marketable gas, and treat natural gas
coming from the Company’s fields.
The refinery processes associated gas from the fields of LLC RITEK and JV Volgodeminoil and BFLH
Capacity of 450 mcm/year of gas feedstock, and 161 th. t/year of BFLH
Output includes processed gas, stable gas gasoline and liquefied petroleum gases (LHG)
Consumers include petrochemical and energy (LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo) entities, as well as local consumers
Commissioned in 1966. LUKOIL joined the project in 1996
The refinery processes associated gas from the fields of LLC LUKOIL-PERM and BFLH from Lokosovsk GPP.
Capacity of 1,460 mcm/year of gas feedstock, and 1,700 th. t/year of BFLH
Output includes processed gas, stable gas gasoline, liquefied petroleum gases. Consumers include Stavrolen and local consumers
Commissioned in 1969. Joined the LUKOIL Group in 1998
Processes associated gas from West Siberian fields
Capacity of 2,100 mcm/year of gas
Output includes stripped gas, BFLH, stable natural gasoline, liquefied petroleum gases
Consumers include industrial and energy enterprises of the Russian Federation (dry stripped gas), Perm Refinery (BFLH) and local consumers
Commissioned in 1983. Joined the LUKOIL Group in 2002
Conditions and processes associated gas from LLC LUKOIL-Komi fields
Capacity of 600 mcm/year of gas
Output includes stripped gas, stable gas gasoline, liquefied petroleum gases
Consumers include production Group entities and local consumers. Commissioned in 1980
Joined the LUKOIL Group in 2000
Processes associated gas from the North Caspian fields
Capacity of 2.2 billion cu. m / year
Output includes stripped gas and BFLH
Consumers include petrochemical (LLC Stavrolen) and energy (LLC LUKOIL-Stavropolenergo) enterprises of the LUKOIL Group and PJSC Gazprom
Gas processing facilities were commissioned by LUKOIL in 2016