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Tenders of LUKOIL group

By using the filter on this page you will be able to see the list of tenders of LUKOIL Group companies, Company's affiliates and other organizations. The requirements for the particular tenderare available in the attached documents and on the Organizer's web-site.

Please note that this list is for users' information only, PJSC LUKOIL shall not be liable for the tenders, arranged by other organizations.

Information on LUKOIL Group overseas upstream and downstream organizations' tenders is available at

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Rebranding of LNA Wholesale Site in Hamilton, NJ

№: 46-24


Organizer of tender: LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLC

Deadline: 4/18/2025 12:00:00 AM

Point of Purchase and Promotional Materials

№: 21-25


Organizer of tender: LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLC

Deadline: 4/14/2025 12:00:00 AM

Доставка на 30,00 тона ±10% антифрикционен инхибитор за редуциране на съпротивлението при подаване на нефтопродукти (дизелово гориво ЕВРО-5 и нискооктанов бензин) по магистрални тръбопроводи в „ЛУКОЙЛ Нефтохим Бургас“ АД / Supply of 30,00 tons ±10% drag reducer for the supply of petroleum products (EURO-5 diesel fuel and naphtha) along main pipelines at LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD.

№: ЛНБ-2025-013

Customer(s): "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Organizer of tender: "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Deadline: 4/10/2025 12:00:00 AM

General, Electrical, Plumbing, Building & Yard Emergency Services at LNA Service Stations in NJ & PA

№: 23-25


Organizer of tender: LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLC

Deadline: 4/9/2025 12:00:00 AM

2025-2026 Environmental Consulting Service Program for PA, NJ & NY

№: 22-25


Organizer of tender: LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLC

Deadline: 4/9/2025 12:00:00 AM

Услуга за директно товарене на гранулирана сяра за периода 01.07.2025 г. – 30.06.2026 г.

№: ЛНБ-2025-030

Customer(s): "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Organizer of tender: "LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas" AD

Deadline: 4/8/2025 12:00:00 AM

КО на выполнение услуг по комплексной оценке безопасности в ООО «ЛУКОЙЛ Узбекистан Оперейтинг Компани» (02-01-32-1869) 18.03.2025 - 08.04.2025

№: 02-01-32-1869

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 4/8/2025 12:00:00 AM

“Antrepriza reabilitare si automatizare instalatie de incendiu depozit Valcea”/«Ремонт и автоматизация пожарной системы на н/б Вылчя»

МИ Оказание услуг по ремонту офисных кресел (02-01-32-1994) 25.03.2025 - 04.04.2025

№: 02-01-32-1994

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: МИ 1994

Deadline: 4/4/2025 12:00:00 AM

МИ "Поставка антифриза " (2500003806) / (2500003806)

№: 2500003806

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: ЗКП (1)

Deadline: 4/4/2025 12:00:00 AM