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Press Release


{ 4/19/2011 12:00:00 AM }

OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to announce that Mikhail Krykhivsky, the former Executive Director of OOO RPK-Vysotsk – LUKOIL II (the distribution and transshipment complex located in the Leningrad Region at the Baltic Sea coast) has been appointed General Director of OOO LUKOIL-Trans.

Nikolay Inyushin, the former General Director of OOO LUKOIL-Trans, retired on pension.

LUKOIL-Trans runs oil and petroleum product transshipment terminals located in the Leningrad Region, Kaliningrad Region, Astrakhan Region and the Nenets Autonomous District. LUKOIL-Trans also includes the “Perm-Andreevka” long-distance oil products pipeline intended for the transportation of light petroleum products. LUKOIL-Trans is one of Russia’s major operators of bulk cargo railway transportation. At present the enterprise has at its disposal over 8,500 rail tank cars (both their own and rented) and 25 locomotives.

  • Press release in PDF