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Press Release


{ 7/21/2008 12:00:00 AM }

The Board of Directors of OAO LUKOIL held a meeting today in Moscow to resolve a number of issues related to corporate governance.

Among other things, the following members of the Management Committee were approved:

1.Vagit AlekperovPresident, Chairman of the Management Committee
2.Anatoly BarkovVice-President, Head of the Main Division of General Affairs, Corporate Security and Communications
3.Sergei KukuraFirst Vice-President
4.Ravil MaganovFirst Executive Vice-President
5.Ivan MasliaevHead of the Main Division of Legal Support
6.Alexander MatytsynVice-President, Head of the Main Division of Treasury and Corporate Financing
7.Anatoly MoskalenkoHead of the Main Division of Human Resources
8.Vladimir MulyakVice-President, Head of the Main Division of Oil and Gas Production and Infrastructure
9.Vladimir NekrasovFirst Vice-President
10.Valery SubbotinVice-President, Head of the Main Division of Supplies and Sales
11.Leonid FedunVice-President, Head of the Main Division of Strategic Development and Investment Analysis
12.Evgueni HavkinSecretary of the Board of Directors
13.Lyubov KhobaChief Accountant
14.Dzhevan CheloyantsVice-President, Head of the Main Technical Division
15.Vagit SharifovVice-President, Head of the Main Division of Control and Internal Audit

Candidates for the Management Committee had been recommended by the President of OAO LUKOIL and approved by the HR and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of LUKOIL. The Board of Directors also approved the principal terms of agreements concluded with the members of the Management Committee.

In accordance with Item 2 of Article 86 of the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies and based on the recommendations of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors established the threshold remuneration for the auditor’s services for the audit of 2008 OAO LUKOIL financial statements, prepared in accordance with RAS in the amount of RUR 12 million.

The working plan for the Board of Directors of LUKOIL for 2008-2009 was also approved at the meeting.

  • Press release in PDF