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Press Release


{ 6/4/2007 12:00:00 AM }

Today Vagit Alekperov, President of OAO LUKOIL, and Vasily Tarlev, Prime-Minister of the Republic of Moldova, attended an official ceremony devoted to commissioning the Company’s upgraded fuelling facility in Kishinev International Airport.

In April, 2005 LUKOIL-Moldova won the investment tender to upgrade the site. The tank farm capacity of the upgraded fuelling facility amounts to 5,200 cubic meters, 5 RVS-1000 tanks are used for jet fuel, 1 RVS-200 is for aviation petrol.

The tanks are installed on concrete foundation with an environmental tray preventing fuel leakage to ground. The tanks have inner duplex coating, as well as outer enhanced protective coating. Pumping units for fuel are equipped with filtration system complying with the international standard for fuel cleanliness and quality for all types of aircrafts.

In December, 2004 the Management Committee of OAO LUKOIL reviewed the program for Development of the Jet and Bunker Fuel Business which envisages aviation fuel marketing development and establishment of a network of company-owned fueling facilities. The program is implemented by OOO LUKOIL-AERO (OAO LUKOIL’s 100% subsidiary). Since December, 2005 OOO LUKOIL-AERO has had the status of an international holding company.

OOO LUKOIL-AERO fills aircrafts ‘in the mainplane’ in nineteen Russian airports and abroad.

Currently OOO LUKOIL-AERO’s share in total supply volume of aviation fuel in the Russian market amounts to about 26% (about 2 mln tn per year). OOO LUKOIL-AERO controls all resources of the jet fuel produced at LUKOIL Group refineries in Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Perm, Ukhta, Odessa and Burgas. The total volume of the aviation fuel produced by the companies annually amounts to about 2.5 mln tn.

The biggest Russian and foreign airlines, including Aeroflot, Sibir, UTair, Lufthansa, British Airways, Air France, etc. are OOO LUKOIL-AERO’s clients.

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