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Press Release


{ 4/30/2008 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL Europe Holdings B.V., 100% subsidiary of ОАО LUKOIL closed a deal on purchase of EUROPA-MIL (Croatia).

LUKOIL acquired 9 retail outlets in Zagreb and Split, 5 land plots for construction of filling stations as well as an oil products railway hub with the capacity of 8,000 cubic meters on the Danube river, the city of Vukovar at the Croatian-Serbian border.

Daily average sales of oil products at EUROPE-MIL retail spots are 11 tons.

Petroleum products will be supplied to the retail outlets by Company’s refineries located in Bulgaria and Romania.

The assets will be managed by LUKOIL Croatia d.o.o., established in 2007.

LUKOIL plans to re-brand acquired assets in consistence with its corporate style by the end of 2008.

  • Press release in PDF