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Press Release


{ 9/19/2014 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, OAO LUKOIL President, and Sergey Kelbakh, Chairman of the State Automobile Company Rossiyskiye Abtomobilniye Dorogi (Russian Highways, or Avtodor) signed a cooperation agreement today as part of the International Investment Forum Sochi 2014.

As part of the agreement, LUKOIL and Avtodor will jointly implement projects focused on roadside-infrastructure development and on the development and introduction of new design solutions to establish cross-functional road-service zones for the construction and operation of highways.

The parties also intend to work together to introduce and utilize cutting-edge high-quality innovative materials and techniques for the construction, repair and maintenance of highways to extend the roadbed service life. Specifically, as part of the agreement, LUKOIL and Avtodor outlined possible joint measures they could develop to enhance the quality of bitumen and polymer-modified asphalt cement and also to improve the road-construction techniques with application of these materials.

  • Press release in PDF