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Press Release


{ 2/5/2014 12:00:00 AM }

Ravil Maganov, OAO LUKOIL’s First Executive Vice President, and Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee of OAO Gazprom, signed a Cooperation Agreement on oil and petroleum product spill prevention and response in the areas of responsibility of their offshore facilities.

The companies agreed on mutual assistance during emergency response operations, including the engagement of professional emergency rescue teams.

The Agreement also provides for the exchange of information on available means and resources to respond to emergency situations and the scheduling of joint trainings and maneuvers.

Specifically, before the end of this year, LUKOIL and Gazprom intend to hold joint maneuvers in the Barents Sea in the vicinity of the Varandey export terminal and the Prirazlomnaya ice-resistant platform.

“The joint efforts of LUKOIL and Gazprom in this matter of utmost importance prove the adherence of our companies to environmental principles,” Ravil Maganov said.

There have been no emergencies resulting from oil and petroleum product spills registered for the nearly 20-year implementation period of LUKOIL’s offshore projects.

In 2013, LUKOIL conducted 140 trainings and maneuvers dedicated to onshore and offshore oil and petroleum product spill response operations.

  • Press release in PDF