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Press Release


{ 11/20/2017 12:00:00 AM }

A new roadside restaurant and convenience store associated with LUKOIL's gas station 244 has been opened on the Don federal highway connecting Moscow and Krasnodar Region. Present at the inauguration ceremony were Sergey Kelbakh, Chairman of the Management Board of Avtodor (a state-owned operator of Russia's speedways and toll roads), Andrey Averkiev, Minister of Property Matters of Moscow Region, Oleg Pashaev, LUKOIL's Vice President for Petroleum Products Marketing, and Vladislav Dudakov, RBE Group's Mgrillcafe Project Manager.  

Constructed as part of Avtodor's concept of development of road services along federal routes, the site is a showcase of successful cooperation between LUKOIL, the Government of Moscow Region, Avtodor and RBE Group (the owner of Mgrillcafe).

Mgrillcafe is a spacious restaurant area for 90 people, a cafeteria, a drive-through, a convenience store, rest rooms and shower rooms, a children's playground and special lounge zones for families. An outdoor café for 100 people will be open in warm months.

LUKOIL gas station 244 sells the most popular fuels supplied by company refineries. There is a charging station for electric vehicles.

"We are fully aware that a modern gas station is more than just a place where petroleum products are sold. It has to be part of a package of quality services for drivers and passengers. It is e​specially important to have such service packages at federal routes such as the M4 Don. We looked forward to taking part in this initiative and we will do our best to promote and develop similar projects in future", Mr. Pashaev said. 

  • Press release in PDF

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