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Press Release


{ 6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM }

An exhibition displaying work of I’m Drawing the Kremlin winners, a children’s drawing contest, was open in the Great Hall of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin Museums today. The contest is held as part of a joint regional cultural and educating program of LUKOIL and the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

The children’s drawing contest is the final stage of Tsar and Emperor Hunting, XVII-XVIII centuries, a travelling exhibition of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, which was held from September, 2006 to January, 2007 in the Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum. As part of the exhibition, lectures and sightseeing tours with small theatrical performances were organized, an interactive stand which the Kremlin Museums team used to present Tsar and Emperor Hunting, a multimedia educational product, was arranged. The exhibition resulted in an art contest among children and teens from children’s homes and orphanages supported by LUKOIL, who attended the exhibition and classes of the Kremlin Museums’ teachers. 19 children and teens from children’s homes, prize winners, won a trip to Moscow for the final stage of the contest.

The first travelling exhibition of the Moscow Kremlin Museums as part of joint regional cultural and educating program of LUKOIL was held in 2004-2005 in Perm.

Support for Children’s Homes is one of the main lines of LUKOIL’s charity activities.

For many years children and teens from over 50 children’s homes and orphanages in West Siberia, Perm, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions, as well as in Kirov, Usinsk, Saratov, Syktyvkar and Saint-Petersburg have received aid from the Company, its subsidiaries and LUKOIL Charity Fund. The Company helps their graduates receive education, improve their health, master a profession and get settled in life. Every year LUKOIL arranges children’s summer vacation on the Black Sea coast, as well as study tours.

  • Press release in PDF