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Press Release


{ 12/8/2007 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, President of OAO LUKOIL, and Elena Gagarina, General Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, opened an exhibition in Volgograd today. Titled “The Moscow Kremlin in Volgograd. Treasures of the Russian History”, it is part of yet another joint educational project initiated by the Company and the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

The exposition presents rare works of applied and decorative art, each of exceptional historic, artistic and material value. The exhibits include a ceremonial armor collection of the Russian tsars, firearms manufactured by Russian and foreign craftsmen, jewelry masterpieces of the 12-20th centuries, a porcelain collection dating back to the 19th century, the “Stables” treasury collection and a collection of textiles.

The exhibition is open at the city’s “Stalingrad Battle” panoramic museum until February 10, 2008.

In 2004, LUKOIL and the Moscow Kremlin Museums launched a joint project to arrange traveling exhibitions in Russia’s regions. As part of the project, an exhibition named “Royal and Imperial Hunting of 17-18th Centuries” was held in the city of Perm’s Art Gallery. At the exhibition, children had an opportunity to enjoy tours, lectures and theatrical performances. An interactive zone was provided, which allowed the Kremlin Museums to present their first multimedia educational product named “Royal and Imperial Hunting”. In the winter of 2005, LUKOIL held a painting contest for orphans; they also had an opportunity to visit the exposition and attend classes taught by instructors from the Kremlin Museums. Twenty orphans were awarded a trip to Moscow to take part in the final stage of the contest. A similar exhibition was organized in Nizhny Novgorod in 2006.

Over the past years, LUKOIL and the Moscow Kremlin museums have organized the following exhibitions: “The Russian Coat of Arms: 500th Anniversary” (1997), “Christie’s and LUKOIL in Moscow” (1997), “Siberian Treasures” (2000), “Masterpieces of German Silverware in the Kremlin” (2002), “Russia and Britain: 450th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations” (2003), “Ambassadorial Gifts to the Russian Tsars” (2005), “Britain and Muscovy: English Silverware at the Tsar Court” (2006, London).

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