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Press Release


{ 5/30/2008 12:00:00 AM }

A children’s painting exhibition titled I am Drawing the Kremlin displaying works of contest winners was held today in the grand hall of the Armory Chamber, the Moscow Kremlin Museums. The contest was organized as part of a joint regional educational program of LUKOIL and the Moscow Kremlin Museums; it was dedicated to the international Child Protection Day.

The exhibition of children’s paintings at the Kremlin is the final stage of the travelling exposition ‘The Moscow Kremlin in Volgograd. Treasures of the Russian History’, which was open from December, 2007 to February, 2008 at the Stalingrad Battle Panoramic Museum. During the exhibition the children had an opportunity to enjoy visiting tours, lectures and theatrical performances. An interactive zone was organized, which allowed the Kremlin Museums to present their multimedia educational product titled In the Kremlin Chambers… The exhibition also hosted a painting contest for foster children from orphanages under the auspices of LUKOIL. Twenty orphans were awarded a trip to Moscow for the final stage of the contest.

The first two travelling expositions of Moscow Kremlin Museums were organized in Perm (2004-2005) and Nizhny Novgorod (2006-2007) with LUKOIL support.

Support for foster homes is one of the top priorities of LUKOIL’s charity program. For many years the Company, its subsidiaries and LUKOIL Charity Fund have been extending a helping hand to over 50 orphanages in the cities of Western Siberia and the Regions of Perm, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow, as well as in the cities of Kirov, Usinsk, Saratov, Syktyvkar and St. Petersburg.

  • Press release in PDF