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Press Release


{ 9/25/2014 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, OAO LUKOIL President, and Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, signed a protocol to the cooperation agreement between the company and the government of the republic, in Kazan today.

As part of the protocol, LUKOIL pledged to participate in charitable social projects focused on petroleum-product supplies to the consumers and better environmental safety at the company’s facilities in Tatarstan.

The Republic of Tatarstan, according to the applicable legislation, will assist the company in obtaining approvals and permits for allotted land plots and ongoing projects, in ensuring the technical conditions necessary to connect to external utility lines and in creating favorable conditions for allotting land plots to OAO RITEK for production activities.

As a top priority, the protocol promotes cooperation between the company and the republic’s machine-building and defense enterprises in the area of engineering-product supplies.

Messrs. Alekperov and Minnikhanov also attended the official announcement of the results of the 5th Contest of Social and Cultural Projects held by OAO RITEK and the LUKOIL Charity Fund in the Republic of Tatarstan. The winners were awarded with certificates.

  • Press release in PDF
  • 25092014-лукойл и татарстан развивают сотрудничество(4)