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Press Release


{ 9/18/2009 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alelperov, President of OAO LUKOIL, and Elvira Nabiullina, RF Minister of Economic Development and Trade, signed a cooperation agreement between the Company and the Ministry within the framework of the International Investment Forum in Sochi today.

The document, among other things, provides for cooperation with international energy organizations and foreign oil and gas companies, participation in energy related conferences, forums and other international public events.

The parties will also cooperate in disseminating the information on foreign economic activities carried out by Russia’s energy enterprises abroad, including posting of such information online at the Ministry’s web resources.

Under the agreement, the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade intends to assist LUKOIL in protecting the Company’s legal interests when performing its foreign economic operations. The Ministry will also provide the Company with the information on activities of the Russian parties to intergovernmental committees for cooperation between the RF and foreign countries, as well as assign LUKOIL’s specialists to expert positions in intergovernmental committees.

The Ministry also intends to engage the Company’s experts in the work of the Council for Foreign Economic Relations and scientific, consulting, methodological and expert councils set up by the Ministry for the purpose of formulating proposals concerning RF foreign policy and legislative initiatives in the fuel and energy complex.

LUKOIL will provide advisory assistance to the Ministry in drawing up proposals for the governmental bodies concerning promotion of interaction with foreign countries and international energy organizations.

  • Press release in PDF