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Press Release


{ 12/9/2010 12:00:00 AM }

An exhibition titled “From GOELRO Plan to Innovations of the 21st Century” (GOELRO is the State Commission for Electrification of Russia) opened today with LUKOIL’s support at the State Central Museum of Contemporary History. The exposition visualizes the role played by the GOELRO plan in scientific and technological progress, as well as the process of creating new strategic milestones during the transition period of the economy of the Russian Federation to the innovative development pathway.

The historic section of the exposition is dedicated to the origins of Russia’s electric power industry, elaboration and implementation of the GOELRO plan in the 1920s through the 1940s and establishment of a uniform power system in the country in the 1950s through the 1980s. The contemporary section pays particular attention to key trends in the economic modernization of the Russian Federation.

Also exhibited are materials dedicated to OAO LUKOIL's activities to embrace cutting-edge design and engineering solutions. Models of oil fields and electric power facilities employing innovative engineering processes are presented as well.

The exhibition will be open until January 30, 2011.

Earlier, LUKOIL had supported the following exhibitions arranged by the State Central Museum of Contemporary History: “Russia’s Oil – Traditions and Modern Age” (2006), “V.G. Shukhov, the First Russian Engineer” (2008) and “The Nobel Dynasty for Russia” (2009).

  • Press release in PDF