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Press Release


{ 12/14/2007 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL has become winner of the annual contest “Russia’s Corporate Donor - 2007” in the nomination “The Best Program to Ensure Most Efficient Trilateral Cooperation Between Businessmen, Non-Profit Organizations and Local Authorities”.

In this nomination LUKOIL presented its program connected with arranging competitions of social projects in the regions of Company presence. The contests held in Perm Area, 3 regions, including Volgograd, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, Komi Republic, and Western Siberia are designed to provide support to local communities in tackling urgent issues of the regions and to enhance efficiency of the Company’s charity activities.

Besides, LUKOIL was recognized as ratings leader by the contest experts in terms of the amount of charity contributions.

The contest was initiated by the Donors Forum, the Russian Federation Ministry of Economic Development, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and the Committee under the Russian Federation Publiс Chamber for Charity, Benevolence and Volunteership Facilitation. It is designed to collect reliable information on the amount of charity funds allocated by companies, to analyze and pinpoint the best examples of corporate charity and social investments, and to create public awareness of these issues.

  • Press release in PDF