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Press Release


{ 11/15/2013 12:00:00 AM }

Sales of LUKOIL’s ECTO fuel with improved performance characteristics have started in Serbia.

First batches of the gasoline named “ECTO Plus”, with an octane rating of 95, and of the diesel fuel called “ECTO Diesel”, both produced on the basis of EURO-5-compliant fuels, are available at LUKOIL’s 50 filling stations in Serbia.

The improved performance characteristics of ECTO Plus and ECTO Diesel were confirmed by testing at the mechanical-engineering faculty of the University of Belgrade. In the last 15 years, LUKOIL-Serbia is the only company in the Serbian market to have had fuel properties tested by an independent laboratory.

Serbia has now become the 14th county, besides Russia, where LUKOIL-branded fuel is sold. The sales of the fuel in the European market began way back in 2009. Currently, ECTO fuels are successfully sold in Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Turkey, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The 2013 sales volume of the company’s fuel outside of Russia is expected to reach approximately 1.2 million tons.

In 2014, LUKOIL intends to start selling ECTO fuel at its filling stations in Belarus, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Properties of ECTO automobile fuels ensure that the engine is decarbonized, has a higher capacity, reduced fuel consumption and lower harmful emissions. Specifically, this is achieved by using components with purifying properties and a friction modifier.

  • Press release in PDF