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Press Release


{ 9/27/2013 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL held a briefing for shareholders living in the city of Volgograd and Volgograd Oblast, yesterday.

The meeting was attended by approximately 200 shareholders and by representatives of ОАО NIKoil Registrator, the register keeper of holders of OAO LUKOIL's registered stock.

The previous briefing for shareholders of Volgograd and its oblast was held in October of 2010.

Those who attended the meeting learnt about amendments to the Law on Joint-Stock Companies, changes in the terms and procedure of dividend payments and also about introduction of interactive tools to the websites of OAO LUKOIL and OAO NIKoil Registrator to help the shareholders obtain current information on the state of their personal accounts.

The briefing also provided an opportunity to elucidate some questions related to the agenda of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting to take place in the form of absentee voting on September 30, 2013 The questions included interim dividend payments for the first six months of the 2013 financial year.

NIKoil Registrator provided practical recommendations on the methods of introducing amendments to and obtaining information from the register of the registered-stock holders, on the information-submission procedure regarding registered persons, and other data useful for shareholders.

The briefing was held as part of the 2013 OAO LUKOIL Investor and Shareholder Relations Plan. The next meeting of this type will be held in Kogalym in the second half of October.

  • Press release in PDF