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Press Release


{ 7/16/2008 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL Charity Fund published a report on its spendings in 2007.

The Fund is a non-profit organization, established on voluntary pecuniary contributions. Its basic commitments are in the field of social, charity, cultural, educational and other initiatives for the benefit of communities.

In 2007, over RUR 200 million were allocated for these purposes (see breakdown below):

Cost itemsThousand RUR
Healthcare Initiative
- assistance to medical organizations and services20 495
Education Initiative
- assistance to orphanages, schools, etc,17 110
- educational and scientific programs (assistance rendered to universities, research organizations and educational establishments, registered grants, scholarships)56 102
Cultural Heritage Initiative
- assistance to cultural establishments, organizations, art communities 33 074
- support of religious organizations 37 854
Social Support Initiative
- support veterans, handicapped, retirees 26 905
- social projects contest 3 233
- compensation payments for the families of the deceased or wounded servicemen, assistance to military establishments, troop units, veterans of the RF Armed Forces, internal affairs, assistance to refugees 1 101
Sports and Training Initiative
- assistance to sports facilities 8 335
Miscellaneous 79
Total 204 288

As the STEK Auditing Service proved upon the review, the activities of the Fund were fully in line with its tasks and procedures.

  • Press release in PDF