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Press Release


{ 10/19/2009 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, President of OAO LUKOIL, and Eduard Rossel, Governor of Sverdlovsk region, have participated in the ceremony dedicated to commissioning of the Company’s new petroleum tank farm in Yekaterinburg today.

The new tank farm will enable ООО LUKOIL-Permnefteprodukt to launch marketing of gasolines and EKTO-brand diesel fuel with improved environmental and performance characteristics in Sverdlovsk region. The petroleum products will be delivered to the tank farm from OOO LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez via rail road.

The annual turnover of the tank farm comes to 500,000 tons of light and dark (oils and petroleum bitumen in containers) petroleum products per annum. The total tank capacity comes to 12,800 cubic meters. The tank farm is equipped with the facilities for simultaneous storage of 2,000 cubic meters of AI-80 gasoline, 4,000 cubic meters of AI-92 gasoline, 3,000 cubic meters of AI-95 gasoline, 800 cubic meters of AI-98 gasoline, as well as 3,000 cubic meters of diesel fuel.

The tank farm has a railroad overpass for unloading and loading of light petroleum products in 6 rail tanks, as well as a loading point for simultaneous loading from 10 stand pipes which are equipped with a gasoline vapor withdrawal system.

The tank farm is fully automated, equipped with the necessary communication facilities, including a high-speed data link, a security alarm system and a full set of fire-fighting means.

The tank farm equipment is connected to the emergency protection system. In case of emergency, the system goes off automatically which excludes the human factor in responding to the emergency, to the extent possible.

  • Press release in PDF