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Press Release


{ 11/16/2011 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, OAO LUKOIL President, and Viktor Zubkov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, participated in a festive ceremony today dedicated to the completion of construction of a delayed-coking unit at the Volgograd Refinery.

The rated capacity of the unit in terms of the raw materials totals one million tons per year. Commissioning of the unit will allow to increase oil-coke production by 100,000 tons per year and simultaneously to phase out two out-dated units of this type. Oil coke production totaled approximately 180,000 tons in 2010.

Commissioning of the unit will also allow production of the components of engine fuels to increase by 150,000 tons per year, which will raise the depth and efficiency of refining at the refinery.

The unit is highly reliable due to the application of cutting-edge industrial and environmental safety technologies.

“Completion of the delayed-coking unit is considered an important stage of a large-scale modernization of the refinery aimed at the establishment of non-residual production,” Mr. Alekperov said. “A hydro-treating unit for diesel fuels will be commissioned here already next year. And by 2017, this will be Southern Russia’s truly state-of-the-art refinery.”

  • Press release in PDF