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Press Release


{ 2/2/2011 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, OAO LUKOIL President, visited the fourth power unit at the TPP (thermal power plant) S.C. LUKOIL ENERGY & GAS ROMANIA in Ploesti, Romania, today. The power unit is currently in pilot production and will be soon set to deliver its rated capacity.

The facility is located on the premises of S.C.PETROTEL-LUKOIL S.A. refinery and supplies the needs of the enterprise for thermal and electric power. Commissioning of the fourth power unit at the TPP will also allow the Company to supply electric power to the Romanian energy market.

The power unit comprises a power boiler with a capacity of 185 mW and a turbo generator with an electric capacity of 30 mW. The power boiler was designed based on cutting-edge boiling bed technologies for solid-fuel boilers. The cheapest end petroleum derivative (petroleum coke) is used as fuel for the boiler unit. The technological features of the boiler allow the incineration process to have minimum nitric and sulfur oxides emissions.

Along with the fourth power unit, a distributed automated engineering process management system was commissioned, which will ensure electric power quality compliant with the requirements of the European Union.

This is the first project in LUKOIL’s electric power business sector that utilizes coke as fuel for electric power generation. Based on the results of the boiler performance testing, a decision will be made regarding whether or not to introduce this solution to the Russian refineries of the Company.

  • Press release in PDF