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Press Release


{ 8/9/2013 12:00:00 AM }

Another operation to transport one of LUKOIL’s offshore facilities built by its order for field facility development at the Vladimir Filanovsky field in the Caspian Sea was completed today. The substructures for the living quarters module have been transported to the assembly point.

Soon these structures with a total weight of more than 2,000 tons will be positioned and affixed to the seafloor with 16 piles that will be hammered 60 meters down into the seabed.

The same technique was employed last month to fix the substructures of the ice-resistant stationary platform.

The offshore facilities are assembled by means of a Transport and Installation Barge, which has a crane with a loading capacity of 400 tons.

All of the offshore facilities for the Vladimir Filanovsky field are manufactured by Astrakhan’s shipbuilding enterprises by order of LUKOIL.

Commercial drilling at the field is scheduled to begin in 2014. Oil production will start at the end of 2015.

  • Press release in PDF