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Press Release


{ 11/26/2009 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL Group total hydrocarbon production available for sale reached 2,214 th. boe per day in nine months of 2009, which is a 1.1% increase y-o-y. Crude oil production by LUKOIL Group increased by 3.3% y-o-y to 1,978 th. barrels per day.

Crude oil production of LUKOIL Group in nine months of 2009 totalled 73.28 mln tons. At the same time, crude oil output from the Yuzhnaya Khylchuya field in Timan-Pechora, brought into production in the third quarter of 2008, reached 5.1 mln tons. Natural and petroleum gas output of LUKOIL Group available for sale was 10.94 bcm: output as part of international projects totalled 3.40 bcm (grew by 15.1% y-o-y), output in Russia was down 23.3% y-o-y to 7.54 bcm.

Throughputs at the Company’s refineries (including its share in throughput at the ISAB and TRN refining complexes) increased by 10.9% y-o-y in nine months of 2009 and reached 46.55 mln tons. Throughputs at the Company’s refineries in Russia increased by 0.9% y-o-y, throughputs at the Company’s international refineries grew by 49.1% y-o-y.

Hydrocarbon production available for sale
 9M 2009 9M 2008Growth
Hydrocarbon production, th. boe per day22142189+1.1%
   Crude oil output, th. bpd*19781915+3.3%
   Natural and petroleum gas output available for sale, th. boe per day**236274-13.9%
Crude oil output, th. tons
 9M 20099M 2008Growth
  LUKOIL Group output:73,27871,185+2.9%
Subsidiary companies71,41469,398+2.9%
Share in affiliated companies1,8641,787+4.3%
Subsidiary companies68,78967,054+2.6%
Share in affiliated companies227224+1.3%
 International projects:4,2623,907+9.1%
Subsidiary companies26252344+12.0%
Share in affiliated companies16371563+4.7%
LUKOIL Group output,th. bpd*1,9781,915+3.3%
     *   Conversion ratio from tons to barrels characterizes the density of oil from each of LUKOIL oilfields.
   **   Conversion ratio from cubic meters to barrels of oil equivalents is 1,000 cubic meters = 5.885 boe.
Gas output available for sale, mcm
 9M 20099M 2008Growth
  LUKOIL Group output:10,93712,784-14.4%
Subsidiary companies10,70612,593-15.0%
Share in affiliated companies231191+20.9%
Subsidiary companies7,5159,804-23.3%
Share in affiliated companies2025-20.0%
 International projects:3,4022,955+15.1%
Subsidiary companies3,1912,789+14.4%
Share in affiliated companies211166+27.1%
LUKOIL Group output,th. boe per day*236274-13.9%
*   Conversion ratio from cubic meters to barrels of oil equivalents is 1,000 cubic meters = 5.885 boe.
Refinery throughputs, th. tons
 9M 20099M 2008Growth
 Owned refineries**46,55141,983+10.9%
 Third-party refineries2,8114,156-32.4%
** Including mini-refineries and the Company’s share in throughputs of oil and petroleum products at the ISAB and TRN refining complexes.

The information is based on preliminary operating data, which may be adjusted and corrected during preparation of LUKOIL financial accounts for nine months of 2009. So the figures in this press-release may differ from operating statistics, which will be published together with the financial accounts.

  • Press release in PDF