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Press Release


{ 5/14/2015 12:00:00 AM }

ООО LLK-International (a fully-owned OAO LUKOIL subsidiary) and the Russian Automotive Partnership (RAP) have concluded a partnership agreement. As part of it, LUKOIL will supply its lubricants for servicing at RAP stations of technical inspection. At the same time, RAP specialists and their business partners, including the insurance company ROSGOSSTRAKH, will recommend LUKOIL lubes for use by motorists.

For reference:

The Russian Automotive Partnership (RAP), the largest federal company offering services to motorists, is a number-one provider of roadside assistance in Russia. The company possesses an up-to-date control center, a professional team of mechanical engineers and an own fleet of rescue vehicles. The RAP offers services throughout the entire territory of Russia, and also in Europe and neighboring countries.

  • Press release in PDF