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Press Release


{ 12/17/2007 12:00:00 AM }

A 1837 portrait of General Vasily Perovsky by the famous Russian painter Karl Brullov is returning today to the State Tretyakov Gallery after the restoration works have been completed with OAO LUKOIL support. General Perovsky participated in the Patriotic War of 1812 and distinguished himself in the battles of Smolensk, Dorogobuzh and Borodino.

Originally the portrait was kept in Perovsky’s house in Orenburg, then it moved to the State Museum Fund; later, the portrait found home in the Tretyakov Gallery in 1927 to become the key exhibit in the Brullov Hall. After numerous restoration works the canvas lost its original appearance, which prevented spectators from successful engagement with the subject of the painting. The canvas will be presented to the public again thanks to restoration works performed by the museum restoration experts. The return of the canvas is dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Pavel Tretyakov, the Gallery founder.

LUKOIL retains standing partnership relations with the State Tretyakov Gallery. As part of the cooperation, the Company acquired a bas-relief by Mikhail Kozlovsky, the famous Russian painter and sculptor, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Tretyakov Gallery. The Tretyakov Gallery and the Company are to arrange a joint exhibition titled ‘Magic Landscapes’ in 2008 in Finland to display masterpieces of the Russian fine art which have gained worldwide recognition.

  • Press release in PDF