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Press Release


{ 2/13/2012 12:00:00 AM }

The Government of the Russian Federation has honored employees of OAO “LUKOIL”, its subsidiaries and contractors with an award to distinguish their scientific and technical achievements in the development and implementation of innovative techniques and process solutions for the construction of an oil transportation system in the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

The employees have been awarded for the Varandey Oil Loading Terminal project in the Barents Sea, the Nenets Autonomous District.

The storage capacity of the coast tank farm amounts to 325 thousand cubic meters. It is connected by 2 subsea 820mm lines with the fixed offshore ice-resistant oil platform (FOIROT), 17 m deep and 22 km off the coast. FOIROT was built at the OOO LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft’s metalwork plant.

FOIROT entered the Guinness Book of Records as the northernmost continuously operating oil terminal in the world.

FOIROT began operating on 9 June 2008. As of 13 February 2012, 306 tankers received 21 million tons of oil from the terminal.

  • Press release in PDF