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Press Release


{ 9/21/2007 12:00:00 AM }

President Vagit Alekperov of LUKOIL has been included in a group of Russia’s top business leaders whose activities span the country and have a significant impact on the national economy.

This was the common opinion of some 400 experts involved in compiling a list of Russia’s best professional managers. It was the eighth time such a list was drawn jointly by the Association of Managers of Russia and the Kommersant Publishing House.

Also on the list are five more LUKOIL executives:

Sergei Kukura
First Vice-President of LUKOIL
Alexander MatytsynVice-President of LUKOIL
Andrey KuzyaevVice-President of LUKOIL, President of LUKOIL Overseas Holding
Alexander VasilenkoHead of Public Relations Department of LUKOIL
Anatoly MoskalenkoHead of the Main Division of Human Resources of LUKOIL

The full name of the list is “1,000 Best Managers of Russia” and it serves the purpose of impartially gauging the professional skills of the country’s top executives and also summing up their achievements in their respective fields of expertise in the year past.

  • Press release in PDF