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Press Release


{ 3/19/2013 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL became Russia’s first oil company to have responded to the proposal by the All-Russia Society for Environmental Protection as regards the monitoring of the quality of automobile fuel sold at the company’s filling stations for compliance with the requirements of the applicable Technical Regulations.

The All-Russia Society for Environmental Protection conducted its first quality monitoring at a number of LUKOIL filling stations in Chelyabinsk. Based on the findings of a specialized laboratory, all the fuel samples are fully Euro-5-compliant. This considerably exceeds the requirements of the Technical Regulations for the manufacture and marketing of only Euro-3-compliant automobile fuel in the Russian Federation beginning from January 1, 2013. LUKOIL filling stations which had met the fuel-quality standards were awarded “green” certificates.

“We are glad that LUKOIL so promptly responded to our proposal that the fuel at its filling stations should undergo public environmental monitoring. The positive results of the inspection, part of the 'Pure Fuel - Clean City' campaign in Chelyabinsk, indicate the company’s responsible attitude to the quality and ecological image of its products. I believe that it is an important part of social responsibility in business, something widely discussed over the recent years”, Yuri Babak, Deputy Chairman of the Main Board of the All-Russia Society for Environmental Protection, commented.

As reported earlier, all of LUKOIL refineries in Russia switched over to the manufacture of only Euro-5-compliant automobile gasolines, AI-92 and AI-95, on July 1, 2012. The same day, manufacture of Euro-4-compliant gasoline came to an end. The first batch of Euro-5-compliant AI-98 gasoline was manufactured by the LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez refinery in May of 2011.

Thus, LUKOIL is well ahead of the requirements by the State Technical Regulations as regards commencement of manufacture of Euro-5-compliant engine fuels. This became possible due to the active implementation of a large-scale refinery-upgrade program by LUKOIL.

  • Press release in PDF