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Press Release


{ 9/7/2011 12:00:00 AM }

Poiret: King of Fashion, an exhibition supported by OAO LUKOIL, opened at the Moscow Kremlin Museums today.

This is the first large-scale display in Russia of the heritage of Paul Poiret, a famous French fashion designer and founder of the 20th century fashion. Poiret laid the foundations of the modern concept of “fashion as lifestyle” and successfully transformed fashion into real art. The exhibition covers all areas of activity of the brilliant couturier.

Exhibitions hosted in recent years by the Moscow Kremlin Museums with support from LUKOIL include: Russian Coat of Arms. 500 Years (1997), Christie’s and LUKOIL in Moscow (1997), Siberian Relics (2000), German Silver Masterpieces in Kremlin (2002), Russia-Britain. Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations (2003), Ambassador Gifts to the Russian Tsars (2005), Britain and Muscovy: English Silver at the Tsars’ Court (London, 2006), Tsars and the Orient: Gifts from Turkey and Iran from the Collections of the Moscow Kremlin Museums (Washington 2009) and The Treasures of Ottoman Sultans (2010).

In 2004, LUKOIL and the Moscow Kremlin Museums initiated a joint program for organizing visiting exhibitions in Russian regions. The exhibitions took place from 2004 to 2008 in Perm, Nizhni Novgorod and Volgograd. In September of 2011, a similar exhibition will be held in Kazan.

  • Press release in PDF