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Press Release


{ 4/27/2017 12:00:00 AM }

PJSC LUKOIL held the 8th international conference for the LUKOIL Group employees dedicated to the current developments in antitrust regulation including mitigation of risks relating to competition law violations in the regions of the Company’s presence.

In the course of the meeting attended by Dmitry Makhonin, Head of the Fuel and Energy Complex Control Department under the FAS of Russia, lawyers of top consulting companies made presentations on the current application practices of the Antitrust law. 

‘The eighth international conference dedicated to the relations with the antimonopoly authorities is yet another step to improve the corporate culture and the competitive business skills. It serves as a knowledge exchange platform on the current commercial and trade issues,’ Vladimir Nekrasov, LUKOIL’s First Vice President, said.

  • Press release in PDF

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