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Press Release


{ 7/22/2015 12:00:00 AM }

A festive ceremony was held in Moscow today to decorate winners of the annual contest “LUKOIL Group’s Best Employees and Organizations”.

The following organizations were unveiled the winners in six areas of business:

- OOO LUKOIL-PERM: in oil and gas production;

- ООО LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftepererabotka: in oil refining, gas processing and


- ООО LUKOIL-Uralnefteprodukt: in petroleum-product supplies in Russia;

- S.C. LUKOIL Romania S.R.L.: in petroleum-product supplies abroad;

- ООО LUKOIL-Ekoenergo: in power engineering;

- RPK – Vysotsk LUKOIL-II: in miscellaneous.

When announcing the competition results, the 2014 production and economic performance of LUKOIL Group organizations, their compliance with the HSE requirements, their performance in the area of social support for workers, the way they fulfilled their obligations under the collective agreement and the measures they took to help promote and maintain corporate culture were allowed for.

67 employees of LUKOIL Group’s organizations, also representing various business areas and geographic regions of the company’s operations, rose to the head of the group.

  • Press release in PDF
  • 22072015-подведены итги конкурса(4)
  • 22072015-подведены итги конкурса(3)