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Press Release


{ 4/9/2007 12:00:00 AM }

LLK International B.V. (OAO LUKOIL’s 100% subsidiary) joined ATIEL which stands for Technical Association of the European Lubricants Industry (Association Technique de L'Industrie Européene des Lubrifiants).

ATIEL is a non-profit organization of engine oil producing companies and vendors operating in Europe. In addition to LLK International, 16 largest global engine oil manufacturers including BPCastrol, Chevron, ExxonMobile, Total, Shell and others have already become members of the association.

They solve technical issues concerning European engine oil industry, establish rules of engine oil exchangeability, coordinate compromise decisions with engine producers and additives developers, and elaborate regulations and tests for new engine oil specifications. ATIEL publishes an Industrial Code of Practice, guidelines for engine oil producers complying with ACEA requirements (the European Automobile Manufacturers Association).

‘Joining ATIEL is recognizing OAO LUKOIL as an equal member of the European ‘engine oil’ market, which provides an opportunity to our company, represented by LLK International, to take an active part in creation of the European engine oil quality standards, and build a close cooperation with engine and industrial equipment producers’, said Vladimir Nekrasov, OAO LUKOIL’s First Vice-President.

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OOO LLK-International administers production and marketing of engine oil produced at six plants of the LUKOIL Group in Russia and overseas. The Company was set up in late 2005. It manufactures a wide range of base, industrial, engine and transmission oil complying with international standards. Today, LLK International produces over 40% of all oils in Russia. LUKOIL branded lubricants are marketed in over 20 countries all over the world.

  • Press release in PDF