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Press Release


{ 10/29/2009 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL became winner in the nomination “High-quality petroleum products for Russian consumers” based on the results of the RF retail market research in 2008 conducted by InfoTEK-Consult, a consulting company.

“The Company is awarded for a significant contribution into quality enhancement of the Russian petroleum products. LUKOIL owns the greatest number of filling stations inRussia and has the largest retail sales volumes among Russia’s major vertically integrated oil companies. The Company renovates its refineries, increases sales volumes of eco-friendly motor fuels with improved performance properties, has an attractive and recognizable brand and a high business activity index”, states the InfoTEK-Consult report.

In October 2009 LUKOIL launched two types of new premium-class automobile gasoline, i.e. “EKTO Plus” (octane number 95) and “EKTO Sport” (octane number 98), to the market.

A multi-purpose set of additives contained in the new fuel provides for increased engine capacity and decreased fuel consumption rate. Besides, it ensures slower engine wear and cuts down СО2 emissions. A friction modifying agent added to the fuel provides for decreased mechanical friction in the cylinder area. Use of “EKTO Plus” and “EKTO Sport” fuels also helps clean the injector, reduces scaling on inlet valves, protects the engine from corrosion and emulsification.

High quality and improved performance properties of “EKTO Plus” and “EKTO Sport” have been proved in a testing conducted by an independent testing center Tickford Power Train Test Ltd, in Great Britain.

  • Press release in PDF