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Press Release


{ 1/16/2012 12:00:00 AM }

OAO LUKOIL has created a Shareholder’s Personal Account on the Russian version of its website www.lukoil.ru (section “Investor and Shareholder Center” / “for Shareholders”). A similar service has been launched at www.rcnikoil.ru (section “for LUKOIL Shareholders”), the website of ОАО "NIKoil Registrator" which is the registrar for the Company’s securities.

With this tool, the shareholder can get information on his shares, dividends, the Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting, the data contained in his personal profile and other current information related to his shareholder rights.

The Shareholder’s Personal Account is available to all shareholders who have an active account in the shareholder register of OAO LUKOIL.

Currently, the LUKOIL Shareholder’s Personal Account is the first and only tool of this kind within the Russian Federation securities market.

  • Press release in PDF