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Press Release


{ 3/3/2016 12:00:00 AM }

Today, LUKOIL presented the Group’s “Report on Sustainable Development in the Russian Federation, 2013 – 2014”. The event, held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, was attended by government officials, representatives of public associations, non-profit organizations, cultural and educational institutions and Mass Media.

The participants discussed LUKOIL Group’s policy and strategy of social responsibility and sustainable development, its system of management of social investment and charitable initiatives, results and roadmaps of bids and contests for social and cultural projects. At the meeting, the Company announced the launch of the 10th Anniversary Contest of PJSC “LUKOIL” Social and Cultural Initiatives for the regions where OOO “LUKOIL-Volganefteprodukt” operates.

The event is the fourth in succession of presentations of sustainability reports, slated for 2015 – 2016 in the Company’s business regions.

  • Press release in PDF