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Press Release


{ 3/31/2014 12:00:00 AM }

A festive ceremony was held today at LUKOIL’s Moscow headquarters to congratulate the Russian skiers who won medals in the 22nd Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

Beginning in 2006, LUKOIL has been the title sponsor of the Cross Country Ski Federation of Russia, for both the men’s and women’s national teams. Elena Vyalbe, President of the Cross Country Ski Federation of Russia, a three-time Olympic champion, handed over a copy of the gold medal, won by Aleksandr Legkov in the 50-kilometer marathon race, to the company museum.

For his part, LUKOIL President Vagit Alekperov awarded the sportsmen with certificates for 3,000 liters of EURO-5 environmentally-compliant automobile fuel. Elena Vyalbe was awarded with a 5-million-ruble certificate for promotion of children’s and youth sports as part of the activities of the Cross Country Ski Federation of Russia.

  • Press release in PDF