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Press Release


{ 10/11/2012 12:00:00 AM }

OAO President Vagit Alekperov met, in Astrakhan today, with the heads of contractor organizations, below, taking part in the construction of production facilities for V. Filanovsky field:

- Obyedinyonnaya Sudostroitelnaya Korporatsiya (United Shipbuilding Corporation) - ice-resistant fixed platform 1;

- Krasnye Barrikady shipyard - living quarters platform and riser block;

- Globalstroy Engineering - central processing platform;

- Bumi Armada Berhad - oil and gas pipelines to connect the V. Filanovsky and Yu. Korchagin fields;

- Saipem S.p.A. - pipelines to transport oil and gas onshore;

- Palmali Shipping Services and Agency Co. LTD - three support vessels.

President Alekperov also visited the Krasnye Barrikady shipyard and the assembly site where component assembly of offshore facilities will be done before they are loaded onto a transportation-and-assembly barge and taken to the respective offshore installation points.

“We attach great importance to the Filanovsky field development project because it represents a significant stage of the Caspian Sea complex development program, the focus of special attention of the Russian President. The winners of the tender for respective facility construction will surely have a certain competitive edge on contractors vying to participate in the development of other Caspian fields”, Mr. Alekperov commented.

  • Press release in PDF