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Press Release


{ 1/23/2013 12:00:00 AM }

LUKERG Renew (a parity-based joint-venture of LUKOIL-Ecoenergo and the Italian ERG Renew) acquired a 100% interest in the Romanian company Land Power SRL, which holds a license to build a wind power station, and the rights to a land plot with an area of around 500 Ha, located in Tulcea county in the southeastern part of Romania 50 km from the Black Sea.

LUKERG Renew intends to start construction of the wind power station that would include 42 wind turbines with a total rated capacity of 84 MW in the first quarter of 2013. The company plans to bring it into commercial operation in the first half of 2014.

The wind power station is expected to generate more than 200,000 MW/h per year.

LUKERG Renew was founded in May 2011 to implement renewable energy projects. In 2012 the joint venture purchased a wind power station near Dobrich (Bulgaria) with a rated capacity of 40 MW.

  • Press release in PDF