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Press Release


{ 9/13/2013 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL has published the 2012 environmental monitoring outcomes for the offshore oil field Kravtsovskoye (D-6), which is under development in the Baltic Sea http://www.lukoil.com/static_6_5id_2114_.html

The monitoring included integrated environmental surveys, acoustic surveys, verification sweeping, and ichthyoplankton sampling. The meteorological information was collected by means of an automated weather station assembled on the offshore oil platform and also from onshore weather stations and centers. In the coastal zone, the monitoring covered bottom macroflora, the concentration of petroleum products in water and the contamination of the beaches with oil and fuel. Bird fauna was registered across coastal and offshore routes.

The monitoring did not find any negative effects of the offshore oil production on the environment and confirmed the efficiency of the environmental safety measures implemented by LUKOIL at Kravtsovskoye oil field.

In addition to the Russian sector, the satellite monitoring also covered the Polish and Lithuanian sectors of the Baltic Sea. The marine environment monitoring was conducted in the immediate vicinity of the offshore oil platform and in the coastal zone, including the Curonian Spit.

The KSAT satellite services (Norway) received and analyzed 144 satellite radar images from satellites of the European Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency and the MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates company.

Annual monitorings in the area of the field have been conducted since 2003. Not a single spill from the oil platform or the subsea pipeline has been registered during the entire monitoring period.

Oil production at Kravtsovskoye field started in 2004.

  • Press release in PDF