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Press Release


{ 8/14/2009 12:00:00 AM }

A fire was brought under control today at gas well No. 320 located at the Kudinovskoye field, which is being developed by OOO “LUKOIL-Volgogradneftegaz”.

The fire outbreak was liquidated by the joint efforts of EMERCOM forces of the Volgograd and Krasnodar regions, LUKOIL-Volgogradneftegaz and the paramilitary rescue squad of Yuzhno-Rossiysky well control unit. In total, there were 120 men involved in extinguishing the fire as well as 37 various equipment units.

By now the first stage of well killing has been completed. There is no gas leakage from the well.

The fire was traced on August 7, at 11:10 pm. A burnt vehicle, GAZ-66, with a tank was discovered at the accident site. An illegal attempt to withdraw oil at the wellhead is deemed to be the reason for the accident.

Investigation is underway. A person suspected of illegal tie-in has been detained and is giving evidence to the representatives of law-enforcement agencies.

The yield of well No. 320 was estimated to be 44 thousand cubic meters of gas and 3.2 tons of oil per day prior to the fire outbreak.

  • Press release in PDF