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Press Release


{ 1/9/2017 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL reports the launch of an updated and redesigned version of its website. The new version provides comprehensive information on the company’s business profiles, its history, major projects, key performance indicators, products, sales network and cooperation with regional authorities on investments in social projects and partnerships. The website has been developed to work for various groups of users: shareholders, investors, media personnel, clients and partners.

The websites of LUKOIL Group’s foreign and Russian companies were reworked as well. A special website, launched for motorists, provides useful information on gas stations, fuels, lubricants and other products and services for owners of personal vehicles and commercial fleets. The responsive design allows easy access to the website from any mobile device without a compromise in functionality.

The company’s websites are multilingual and have a user-friendly interface and navigation. The developers of the new resource relied on the best international practices and advanced technologies of software engineering and web design.

  • Press release in PDF

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