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Press Release


{ 9/4/2015 12:00:00 AM }

Today, Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted Corporate and Social Responsibility Conference, where PJSC “LUKOIL” presented its sixth report on sustainable development in Russia in 2013-2014.

The extensive report covers the Company’s environmental effort, its contribution to global energy security, charitable and sponsorship initiatives. The document contains comprehensive data on major areas and indicators of business, social and environmental activities in the regions of presence.

Participants of the conference discussed social responsibility and sustainability policies and strategies of PJSC “LUKOIL”, its social investment and charity management, results and perspectives of contests of social and cultural projects, putting increased focus on charity initiatives.

The event was attended by representatives of executive and legislative authorities of Kaliningrad Region, NGOs, non-profit organizations, cultural and educational institutions, mass media and regional subsidiaries of LUKOIL Group.

LUKOIL is implementing a promising offshore oil and gas project in the Baltic Sea, where the Company is committed to zero discharge principle, ensuring high degree of environmental safety.

Corporate Social Responsibility of LUKOIL Group is the fifth conference in a row of similar events, dedicated to corporate and social responsibility and slated for 2014 – 2015 in the federal districts where the Company operates.

  • Press release in PDF