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Press Release


{ 9/3/2014 12:00:00 AM }

Beginning September 3, LUKOIL is supporting an exhibition titled “Charles Rennie Mackintosh: a New Style Manifesto” in the Moscow Kremlin Museums. It is an integral part of the official program of the UK/Russia Year of Culture and for the first time presents the artistic legacy of the great Scottish architect, painter and designer in Russia.

Charles Rennie Mackintosh was one of the originators of the concept of complex space design, which means that one artist designs the premises and creates its interior and its decorative appearance. He is also known as a brilliant graphic artist who sketched advertisements, cover pages, postcards, and trademarks.

The exhibition will be open through November 9, 2014.

For reference:

In the recent years, the Moscow Kremlin Museums held the following exhibitions supported by LUKOIL: “Treasures of Ottoman Sultans” (2010), “Poiret, Fashion King” (2011), “Kremlin in 1812. War and Peace” (2012), and “The Art of Conserving Art. Restoration at the Moscow Kremlin Museums” (2013).

In 2004 LUKOIL and the Moscow Kremlin Museums initiated a joint program to arrange guest exhibitions and educational programs in the Russian regions. The exhibitions of this kind were held between 2004 and 2011 in Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, and Kazan.

  • Press release in PDF