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Press Release


{ 2/28/2008 12:00:00 AM }

Vladimir Nekrasov, ОАО “LUKOIL” First Vice-President, and Vladimir Isakov, Commander of Support and RF Deputy Minister of Defense were among the presenters of a multi-author book “Russia’s Oil and National Security” in Moscow today.

The book, published by the Arms and Technologies Publishing House, was sponsored by OAO “LUKOIL”.

The book dwells on detailed and scientifically reliable analysis of the crucial role, oil and oil products contributed in national security throughout the country’s history. The book provides special coverage of the most dramatic periods of Russia’s history, first and foremost the Great Patriotic War.

The book is a convincing testimony of long term partnership established between LUKOIL and RF Ministry of Defense. Thus, the Ministry and the Company have been in cooperation for five years to improve infrastructure facilities oil products supplies of the armed forces. LUKOIL is also active in social support of the military personnel.

“I’m sure, “Russia’s Oil and National Security” will boost research in domestic military history”, Vladimir Nekrasov, OAO LUKOIL First Vice-President said to the press.

  • Press release in PDF