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Press Release


{ 12/30/2010 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL has summarized the results of the first year commercial operation of the automated monitoring system for production, transportation and life support at offshore construction facilities of the Yu. Korchagin field located in the Caspian Sea.

The complex of automated monitoring systems comprises remote monitoring of well drilling and completion, operational dispatch control, environmental monitoring, a leak detection system and the detection system for liquid balance in the oil pipeline, the system for equipment maintenance and repair, as well as the 3D visualization center in ООО LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft.

This center will be part of the network of collective situational analysis centers of OAO LUKOIL the construction of which is in progress. This network will service all the Company’s major fields. The centers’ high-tech projection systems allow to conduct a complex analysis of geological, geophysical and field data with the use of 3D formation models.

More than 20,000 technological parameters are transmitted online via a protected satellite channel to the office of ООО LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft where operational automated control over the engineering processes is exercised. The obtained information also allows the Company to conduct a complex analysis of the environmental measures and express forecasting of oil spill expansion in the event of oil spills.

In case of an emergency or emergency threats, as well as deviations in the operating modes of the equipment, the automated system of operational dispatch control signals an alert to make a prompt intervention.

Due to the commissioning of the automated monitoring systems the quality and safety of works have been improved, a number of preventive measures aimed at preventing possible emergency situations have been taken, and additional mechanisms have been introduced to monitor the activities of contracting organizations engaged in well construction and field infrastructure development.

OOO LUKOIL-INFORM is the General Contractor for the creation and introduction of the information and engineering support system for development of the Northern Caspian fields.

  • Press release in PDF